Morality in a pluralist society. How to achieve an integrated life in societies that are being transformed?
Values, ethics, morality, society pluralistic, kenotized, decline, relativize, human person, conduct, virtues, dignity, good, evilAbstract
Societies have a set of ethical-moral norms or references that seek to harmonize coexistence between people, seeking to guarantee that everyone has the same rights and duties with quality of life at every time and place. But it has been observed that, in many populations, ethical values are declining, because some people try to change the perception of what is wrong and what is right by having kenotized those values. For this reason, today there is a tendency to relativize certain practices that denigrate the dignity of the human person. Each human person is an integral being influenced by the biological, psychological, social and cultural, and these factors intervene in human behavior, stimulating man to fight for his particular interests. However, it cannot be ignored that morality is going to play a determining role in the search to satisfy the needs of each person and, consequently, there are no societies where one cannot speak and act in the light of morality.
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