A doctor of unity and peace for tumultuous times: Ireneeus of Lyon, doctor unitatis



Irenaeus of Lyon, doctor of the Church, Catholic Church, current Church events


The present article wants to present Irenaeus of Lyon trying to deepen especially on the reasons why Pope Francis could have given him in January 2022 the title of doctor unitatis, making him the only doctor of the Church of pre-Nicene times. An attempt will be made to delve deeper into what a Doctor of Unity can teach us who live in times of polarization and ideological conflicts, both social and ecclesially. The article is developed in three moments, first a quick characterization of our tumultuous times; secondly, Irenaeus is briefly presented highlighting the events in which he served the Church as a peacemaker (honoring his name) and finally, in a third part, some elements of his thought are synthesized showing it as a thought of unity. It closes with a brief conclusion.


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How to Cite

Villa-Betancourt, A. C. (2024). A doctor of unity and peace for tumultuous times: Ireneeus of Lyon, doctor unitatis. Seminario Mayor De Medellín Journal, 3(39), 133-147. https://revista.seminarioconciliardemedellin.org/index.php/revista/article/view/31